Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association

Thank you for your interest in joining the TSDCA!  Here is a link to the Membership FAQ that will answer many of your questions.  Also, feel free to contact us if you have any questions not answered there.

Supporting Members will be able to join immediately;  if you are applying for Professional, Early Career, or Affiliated Professional Membership, there is a short application to fill out and a request for a resume.  Once the materials have been reviewed, then you will be a sent a link to pay applicable dues.  Thank you!

Membership Levels:

  • Professional
    • This membership is comprised of professional sound designers and composers working in live performance in either theatre, dance, industrials or performance art. It includes select professional cohorts such as associates and assistants. It also includes professional teachers of theatrical sound who have a demonstrated history of professional work. All must have a minimum of four years in the field outside of any time as a traditional student. Professional Members are encouraged to provide mentoring opportunities for Early Career designers.
  • Early Career
    • This membership category is for early career sound designers or composers working in the United States. This includes designers who have recently left the educational system.
  • Life
    • This category is for Sound Designers who have previously been Professional members and have now reached the age of 65. The sound design community greatly values the contributions, life experience and wisdom of our Life members. Members are encouraged to provide mentoring opportunities for Early Career designers.
  • Affiliated Professionals
    • This membership is for individuals who work regularly with sound designers and composers. It includes live sound engineers, resident engineers, recording engineers, FOH mixers, musicians, piano tuners, etc.
  • Supporting
    • This is the category for anyone who supports sound designers and composers and what they are trying to do with this association.   This is also the category for students currently enrolled in an educational institution.
  • Student
    • This is our newest category for students currently enrolled in an educational institution. You must be 18 years old to apply for this level.
  • Corporate
  • Non-Profit

Professional Membership

This membership is comprised of professional sound designers and composers working in live performance. It includes select professional cohorts such as associates and assistants and includes professional teachers of theatrical sound. They must have a demonstrated history of professional work.

Annual Dues:  $100/ yr      plus $100 one time joining fee *      (*joining fee waived for the initial membership drive)

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Professional Sound Designers and Composers
  • Priority Access to all TSDCA education sessions
  • Eligibility for Fellowship or Mentorship opportunities
  • Full voting rights in all polls and elections
  • Ability to run for office within TSDCA
  • May serve as voting members of a Committee if appointed/elected
  • Access to and ability to propose online forums at
  • Ability to reach out to fellow TSDCA members within secure ‘in-mail’ system
  • Access to job list – opportunities and available people
  • Ability to post to Job List as “TSDCA Professional”
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Eligible to propose articles for the Quarterly Newsletter
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events
  • Access to all offers available to TSDCA members

Click here for the application for Professional Membership.

  • Application will require:
    • A list of your design work on three (3) professional shows for each year for the last three (3) years, or a displayed history of professional work of not less than five years. OR  Provide description of equivalent experience within the world of professional sound design.
    • Provide your resume.
    • Provide two references.
      • Membership in USA may be counted as one reference.
      • If you are submitting shows as associates or assistants, the lead designer must be one of your references.

Early Career Membership

This membership category is for early career sound designers or composers working in the United States. This includes designers who have recently left the educational system. You can be an Early Career Designer for a maximum of three years.

Annual Dues: $50/year

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Early Career Sound Designers and Composers
  • Access to all TSDCA education sessions
  • Eligibility for Fellowship or Mentorship opportunities
  • Ability to vote for Early Career Board Position – or run for said position
  • May serve as nonvoting members of a TSDCA Committee if appointed/elected
  • Access to and ability to propose online forums at
  • Ability to reach out to fellow TSDCA members within secure ‘in-mail’ system
  • Access to job list – opportunities and available people
  • Ability to post to Job List as “TSDCA Early Career”
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events

Click here for the application for Early Career Membership.

  • Application will require:
    • Provide info on three professional shows you were involved in – as lead designer, assistant, or associate.
    • Provide Resume
    • Provide two references.
      • Membership in USA 829 may be counted as one reference.
      • If you are submitting shows as associates or assistants, the lead designer must be one of your references.
      • You must have at least one reference from a working professional.

Emeritus Membership

This membership is comprised of Professional sound designers and composers aged 65 and older. The designer must have held a Professional Membership for a minimum of one year.

Annual Dues: $0/ yr      Requires application to the TSDCA co-Secretaries via with proof of age (photo or scan of driver’s license, birth certificate, etc).

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Emeritus Sound Designers and Composers
  • Priority Access to all TSDCA education sessions
  • Eligibility for Fellowship or Mentorship opportunities
  • Full voting rights in all polls and elections
  • Ability to run for office within TSDCA
  • May serve as voting members of a Committee if appointed/elected
  • Access to and ability to propose online forums at
  • Ability to reach out to fellow TSDCA members within secure ‘in-mail’ system
  • Access to job list – opportunities and available people
  • Ability to post to Job List as “TSDCA Professional”
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Eligible to propose articles for the Quarterly Newsletter
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events
  • Access to all offers available to TSDCA members

Affiliated Professional Membership

This membership is for individuals who work regularly with sound designers and composers. It includes live sound engineers, resident engineers, recording engineers, FOH mixers, musicians, piano tuners, etc.

Annual Dues: $50/year

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Affiliated Professionals
  • Access to all TSDCA education sessions
  • Access existing online forums at
  • Ability to reach out to fellow TSDCA members within secure ‘in-mail’ system
  • Access to job list – opportunities and available people
  • Ability to post to Job List as “TSDCA Affiliated Professional”
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events

Click here for the application for Affiliated Professional Membership.

  • Application will require:
    • Provide a resume.

Supporting Membership

This is the category for anyone who supports sound designers and composers and what they are trying to do with this association.

Annual Dues: $25/year

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Supporting sponsors
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events
  • No application details required


Student Membership

This is our newest category for students currently enrolled in an educational institution. You must be 18 years old to apply for this level.

Annual Dues: $25/year

Membership Benefits:

  • Appear in Directory of Supporting sponsors
  • Receive Quarterly Newsletter and special bulletins
  • Invitations to all TSDCA public events
  • No application details required

Corporate Membership

Contact us at for more information about Corporate Memberships.

Non-Profit Membership

Contact us at for more information about Non-Profit Memberships.


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